Get the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Step 1 - Click on "Start" button.
Step 2 - Click on "Settings" button.
Step 3 - Click on "System" button.
Step 4 - Click on "About" button, verify version "1703".
Step 5 - Click on "Microsoft Edge" icon on the task bar to open the Microsoft recommended browser.
Step 6 - Visit the link - "" and click on "Update now" button.
Step 7 - Click on "Run".
Step 8 - Click on "Update now" button.
Step 9 - Click on "Next" button.
Step 10 - Please wait a while, Windows 10 Update Assistant is downloading Windows 10 update.
Step 11 - Please wait a while, Windows 10 Update Assistant is verifying download.
Step 12 - Please wait a while, Windows 10 Update Assistant is updating Windows 10.
Step 13 - Save your work and leave your PC plugged in and turned on. Click on "Restart now" button.
Step 14 - Windows 10 will set things up before showing Desktop screen, click on "Exit" button.
Step 15 - Welcome to the Fall Creators Update.
Step 16 - Repeat the process up to step 4, in-case need to verify the version "1709".
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